#15 Bodø

Bodø's journey to its 2024 title cut through a thicket of preconceptions and administrative hurdles, and made it from boring to bustling. How can a fishing town above the Arctic cirlcle become Cultural Capital of Europe? Bodø's journey to its 2024 title cut through a thicket of preconceptions and administrative hurdles, and made it from boring to bustling.

How can a fishing town above the Arctic cirlcle become Cultural Capital of Europe? Bodø's journey to its 2024 title cut through a thicket of preconceptions and administrative hurdles, and made it from boring to bustling. Wedged between a rural past and trailblazing present, Bodø combines the best of a stalwart community and the most up-to-date urban outlook. As its architecture balances quaint wooden heritage and dazzling modernity, so does its classical scene offset vibrant electronica and a thriving hardcore niche. 'The gateway to the North' shows its relevance and music imbued with the spectacular nature it's set against - striking, harsh, unforgettable.


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